Transfer Students

Transfer Applicants- School of Medicine

1. Transfer Credit for Subjects:

    • Students transferring from another school (WDOMS) can apply for transfer credit for subjects with a passing grade.
    • Applications for transfer credit should be submitted during the RGUST application process.

2. Required documents:

    • Official Transcript from the previous school and an Acceptance Letter from the school of origin, along with complete course descriptions (including syllabi) for each course.

3. Advanced Standing Applicants:

    • Advanced Standing applicants must meet the first-year (Pre-Medicine) program entry requirements.
    • They should present undergraduate credentials comparable to students in the semester they intend to transfer into.

4. Validation of Subjects:

    • Applicants seeking transfer into RGUST should apply for validation of subjects taken and passed at their previous institution.

Transfer Application Process:

  1. Completed Online Application Form: Applicants must fill out the online application form and pay the application fee.
  2. Academic Transcripts: Original academic transcripts are required (copies are acceptable for preliminary assessment). Official transcripts must be sent directly from the applicant’s previous school(s) to complete the transfer process.
  3. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants should provide letters of recommendation.
  4. Personal Statement: A well-structured personal statement explaining the reasons for seeking transfer is necessary.
  5. Supplementary Information: Additional documentation may be requested.
  6. Validation of Subjects Request: Applicants need to submit a formal request for validation of subjects (transfer credential evaluation).
  7. Finance Sponsor Letter: A letter from the finance sponsor is required.
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